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As an Autistic-led team, we are thrilled to present the ‘Taking the Mask Off’ campaign, for Autistic Pride Day 2024.

“Taking the Mask Off” is a profound and liberating theme for Autistic Pride Day, encouraging authenticity and the dismantling of societal pressures that compel Autistic individuals to camouflage their true selves. This theme highlights the importance of embracing one’s natural behaviors, preferences, and ways of interacting with the world.

Masking involves suppressing Autistic traits to fit into neurotypical norms, often leading to exhaustion, anxiety, and a loss of self-identity. By “taking the mask off,” we aim to raise awareness about the emotional and mental toll of masking and advocate for a society that accepts and celebrates neurodiversity. This day is dedicated to fostering an environment where autistic individuals can express themselves freely, without fear of judgment or exclusion.

#TakingTheMaskOff #Unmasked

Join us and countless others in the “Taking the Mask Off” campaign for Autistic Pride Day 2023 and help celebrate the unique journeys of autistic individuals.


    Register Your Event for Autistic Pride Day

    Kick off your event planning by registering your intention to host an event or activity, no matter its size or exact nature. We’ll send you a complimentary digital toolkit to help you get started and guide you through the process.

    Register Now

    Team up

    Events are often easier to plan with a team. Gather friends or colleagues to support you in organising the event. You might even involve your workplace’s diversity and inclusion group.However, if you’re planning solo, that’s fantastic too!


    Outline the event’s scope and objectives, which may include one or more of the following:

    • Raise awareness about Autism and neurodiversity.
    • Bring Autistic individuals together to celebrate their unique identities.
    • Fundraise to support Autistic-led organisations and initiatives throughout the year.

    If you’re hosting alone, we suggest starting small and building upon your event each year – especially if you’re a first-time organiser. From intimate morning teas to larger gatherings, there’s no limit to what you can accomplish.

    Explore our activity ideas for inspiration:  At work / At school / With friends / Talk about autism.

    Decide on your budget and its source.  Will you use available funds or ask your team to contribute snacks and morning tea supplies? Will the event be free, or will there be an admission fee?

    Get support

    Depending on your event’s location, initiate conversations with those you’d like to involve. If hosting at work or an educational institution, contact leadership to present your idea and seek their endorsement.

    If collaborating with Autistic guest speakers, performers, or other service providers, reach out and book their services.

    Make it accessible

    An exceptional event allows everyone to participate. Plan how your event will accommodate all attendees:

    • Food – Cater to various dietary and cultural preferences.
    • Venue – Ensure physical accessibility of facilities, including gender-neutral restrooms.
    • Speakers and performers – Encourage diversity among those in the spotlight, prioritising Autistic individuals.
    • Registration – Include a question in the registration process that invites attendees to share any access requirements, ensuring no one is excluded.

    Promote it

    Use our free printable and digital posters or create your own to advertise your event. Share event details via social media or internal workplace channels (such as Yammer, Teams, your internal online portal, or Slack). 

    If your leadership team supported your planning, ask them to promote the event, explain its significance, and invite their networks to attend. Ticketing platforms like Eventbrite or Humanitix help you track attendance and communicate updates to build anticipation.


    Requesting donations can be intimidating, but advance planning can make the process seamless:

    • Incorporate the donation into the ticket cost, clearly stating this in the event promotion (e.g., “$10 from every ticket will be donated to support Autistic Pride Day”).
    • Integrate donations into event expenses, such as contributing $2 from each drink or food item sold.
    • Request an entry donation, like a gold coin or a quick donation via a QR code.
    • Incorporate fundraising into event activities, such as an emcee or guest speaker-hosted activity.


    It’s time to host your event. Capture photos and enjoy the experience! Share images online to further spread awareness.

    Express gratitude

    Acknowledge everyone who contributed – including yourself! You can express appreciation publicly at the event or through a small gift or certificate afterwards.

    Share the event’s impact with all attendees and contributors by distributing photos and feedback. If you raised funds, announce the total amount and explain how donations will benefit the Autistic community.

    Next steps

    Capitalise on the event’s momentum and consider how you can maintain engagement. Potential follow-up initiatives might include:

    • Hosting Autism awareness training or guest speaker sessions.
    • Organising a follow-up event for World Autism Awareness Day or Autism Acceptance Month.
    • Collaborating with those involved in your event to brainstorm additional opportunities for supporting the Autistic community.